About DNS

DEV-IN NATIONAL SCHOOL is established with an objective to meet highest educational expectations of the rapidly growing society. We believe in nurturing children in such a way to develop them holistically. Our School located at Sahakarnagar  is in the midst of silent & pollution free environment that provides a flexible and real world based approach to education. We put in our greatest effort to help young minds turn learning into a life long journey of enquiry and discovery that culminates in knowledge that matters.  

DEV-IN NATIONAL SCHOOL, an innovative initiative to provide the best of facilities to the students residing in the  vicinity of Sahakarnagar. We strongly believe that only a school can become a mentor, a guide, a companion and a parent to each and every student, to make learning a priority in every student’s life.

“National School with an International Touch”

– ….. Keeping our cultural ethics and moral roots grounded, we spread the

branches of success at global level.


To provide a platform that eventually contributes to every child becoming a responsible, ambitious, and successful individuals.


Our mission is to foster students and teachers from all backgrounds by igniting passion, nurturing compassion and inspiring excellence to embrace diversity in the global community.