President's Message

Welcome to Dev In National School!

Dev In National school is a high achieving, happy, vibrant and forward thinking school in which children excel themselves, both academically and socially.
We know that choosing a school can be one of the most difficult decisions facing any parent.  We aim to support you through every step of that journey. We also know how important it is to build strong parent-teacher relationships as we recognise what a pivotal role the teacher plays in the child’s life. As a result, we encourage parents to be active participants in school life and we welcome you to be part of our many events.

We rear students who are creatively curious and strive to experiment and innovate new things on both academic and non-academic fronts. Our pedagogy is child – centric with emphasis on inquiry and project-based learning. We wish to make it even more powerful with conscientious, smart and confident citizens who would make us proud of their multifaceted growth.

Our creative, passionate and committed staff constantly works to provide an environment that nurtures stress-free learning that brings out the hidden talents in our children.

We look forward to continued positive working relationships with all of you, knowing that, together we will ensure a quality education for all of our students