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Welcome To DEV-IN NATIONAL SCHOOL, Sahakarnagara
Dev-In National School, Bangalore, is a most prestigious school run by the Cauvery Group of Institutions. It is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which is the largest educational board in the country. We believe in academic excellence, intellectual growth, art, athletics, high standards of ethical awareness, sportsmanship and community service.
Dev-In School is a school for the next millennium – a school that our students love to visit each day, a place where they can gain in stature, confidence and academic ability from a very young age. The school features a child-friendly and child-centric ambience & has a vast campus with modern and up-to-date educational facilities including a huge playground, indoor sports complex, temperature controlled indoor swimming pool and Badminton courts that allow children to boost their sports skills.
We recognize that our ability to continue to flourish as a school depends on a solid partnership among students, staff and parents. It will always be our endeavour to build positive, trusting and long lasting relationships to support our students to be confident and highly successful individuals.

Sep 19